ANR 2024 | Focus on the ICoPEC project to study complex inter-particle interactions

ICoPEC | Complex Interactions of Inertial Particles Transported by a Confined Turbulent Flow

A Collaborative Research Project (PRC) awarded under the ANR’s 2024 Generic Call for Projects, it focuses on the study and modeling of complex inter-particle interactions when particles are transported by a turbulent flow.
This type of problem is found in many industrial sectors (powder handling, pneumatic transport, power generation), geophysical (sediment transport, sand dune movement, volcanic ash dispersion) and at the frontier between the two, such as sand deposition on solar panels.

ICoPEC focuses on two types of inter-particle interaction: non-spherical particle collisions and electrostatic forces. Given the expertise of each of the 2 partners, the proposed work is based first and foremost on the development of a common numerical tool for these interactions. IMFT’s algorithms for collisions and electrostatic forces will be integrated into LEMTA’s calculation tool.

In the Fluids and Complex Flows in Industry and Nature team, Anne Tanière – project coordinator, and Boris Arcen will examine the influence of collisions (particle/particle and particle/wall) on the dynamics of a cloud of ellipsoidal particles transported by a turbulent flow.

At the end of the project, a precise database will be made available to the scientific community, to serve as a reference simulation for the development of new models, or as a validation tool.

Duration: 48 months – Funding received: 307 k€

Ellipsoid distribution (in red) in a turbulent field in a channel where no collisions are taken into account. Turbulent structures are identified in green.

ICoPEC, one of the 4 grants awarded under ANR’s 2024 generic call for projects, alongside 3 Collaborative Research Projects – Company (PRCE): PAF, RAGNAROCH and ACACIA-2.