Énergie et transferts

Energy and transfers

Energy and transfers

LEMTA’s Energy and Transfers Group gather four scientific operations :

Transport in complex media


Soil mechanics & geotechnics


Its research activities are focused on: experimentation, modelling and numerical simulation of properties and/or processes involving heat and mass transport and exchange phenomena.

The group’s expertise lies in the tools it develops both from a theoretical and practical point of view. These are used for a very wide variety of applications, ranging from microscopic to gigascopic scales, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of phenomena related to energy transfers. Among the main activities of the Energy and Transfers group there are applications in the following areas :

  • Fire propagation modelling and characterization in the field of fire safety,
  • Thermo-hydromechanical and chemical modeling and characterization of natural and anthropogenic soils for the study of: soil constructions, energy geo-structures, and geotechnical risk management.
  • Nano and microscale modelling and characterization of materials and devices energy applications,
  • Study of reactive flows in complex porous media such as underground gas storage,
  • Propagation of light radiation in biological tissues for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes,
  • Acoustic characterization of structured panel walls, evaluation of hearing aid performance, audibility in hearing impaired people fitted with hearing aids at their workstation, ear modeling by FEM.

Modelling and numerical simulation are strong competencies of the ET group. In addition, multi-scale and multi-coupling approaches are developed in the research teams and contribute to ET group reputation.

Furthermore, the ET group has a well established reputation in several experimental fields; in particular, this is the case with the platforms: radiative metrology (fire and material studies), soil mechanics (study of saturated and unsaturated soils), thermal microscopy (thermal characterization of microstructures), and the auditory simulation platform.