

The “Fire” research team develops research activities in the field of fires, from thermal degradation of materials to techniques for fire extinguishing. This theme combines a wide spectrum of skills in fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion. The originality of the work developed by this research team is based on both modeling works and experimental activities. As such, this group has three experimental platforms, CARNOT, ATHENAI and PROMETHEI, dedicated respectively to optical and radiative characterizations of materials, fires in enclosed spaces and natural fires.

The “Fire” team is also strongly involved in scientific animation on a national level with a participation in Groupe SFT RésoFeux and GDR TAMARYS (n°2047, Transferts rAdiatifs, MAtériaux, pRocédés et sYstèmes aSsociés). At the same time, the research team contributes to its international influence by actively participating in the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). Several collaborations have been initiated with several international teams on different themes, such as radiation in flames (VTT Finland), spraying of water droplets (University of Ghent), thermal degradation of materials (University of Edinburgh and RISE) and digital simulation (University of Maryland).

The work developed by the “Fire” team are fundamentally about improving knowledge of the physical phenomena involved in fires. In addition, the research team also relies on numerous collaborations with national actors in fire safety, such as technical and scientific centers (CNPP, CSTB, LCPP) or the Fire and Rescue Services (Brigade des Sapeurs Pompiers de Paris, SDIS). These exchanges with these professionals make it possible to find a field of applications to the scientific themes developed by the “Fire” team.

ACEMZoubirAssociate Professor
MEHADDIRabahAssociate Professor
TERREILucasAssociate Professor
ABDOMariamPhD Student
BURDUNAnastasiyaPhD Student
DIARRAFatoumata-Tapa-BabaPhD Student
FLITYHassanPhD Student
LAFDALBouazaPhD Student
VERRETEricPhD Student