Fluides et écoulements complexes dans l’industrie et la nature

Complex fluids and flows in the nature industry

The object of study is well defined by the title. The fluid concerned media fall into several categories: with non-Newtonian constitutive relations (rheofluidifying and threshold effects); Newtonian but evolve in a turbulent regime; and also with a distribution of passive particles (spherical or not) placed in a laminar or turbulent flow. And finally still the media can be agitated by magnetic particles activated by an external magnetic field or by natural convection.

The models developed to describe these situations are tested by direct experimentation (rheometry, optical methods, MRI) and simulation (analytical and numerical methods) of their prediction.

The goal is to map the adequacy between classes of situations and classes of models and to identify the limits of the models in their application to these situations. The aim is to contribute to the development of data that can be used in the implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms designed to assist in the dimensioning of processes.
NameFirst nameFunction
ARCENBorisSenior Lecturer Polytech Nancy
DOSSMANNYvanSenior Lecturer Polytech Nancy
DUFOURStéphaneSenior lecturer ENSEM
LOUVETNicolasSenior lecturer ENSEM
MÉTIVIERChristelUniversity Professor FST
NOUARCherifCNRS Research Director
TANIÈREAnneUniversity Professor Polytech Nancy
VINSARDGérardSenior lecturer ENSEM
BEN SADEK SaraPhD student
KLOPFFER Lucie PhD student
LEROYMaxime PhD student
SGREVANicoloPostdoctoral student