[General public] Conference “L’Astrolabe : sentinel of the climate in the Southern Ocean” ➕ Photo exhibition

Lectures | L’Astrolabe : climate sentinel in the Southern Ocean

During these two lectures of about one hour, Yvan Dossmann – (Powder Flow and Suspension team), will present the SURVOSTRAL oceanographic campaign, which has been continuously “taking the temperature” of the Southern Ocean since the early 1990s on board the research vessel L’Astrolabe.
This campaign was conducted while Ivan was working at the Australian National University, a partner university of LEMTA.
📆 Tuesday, September 27 at 1pm and Monday, October 10 at 5:30pm
📍 BU Engineers Brabois (54)
👉Learn more

Photo exhibition | Lumières australes

Conceived by Yvan Dossmann, this exhibition is the result of two trips to the Southern lands and seas, from 2013 to 2015, and then in 2019.
Through his photos, he wishes to show opposite the landscapes and animals populating these two neighboring continents but with radically opposed climates: Australia and Antarctica
📅From September 22 to October 28, 2022
📍 BU Engineers Brabois
👉 Learn more