[General Public] Science Fair 2022

LEMTA will be present at the Village des Sciences organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology of Nancy. It will be open to the general public on Saturday, October 15.

Come and meet our specialists:

🔵 ENROADS – Interactive workshop to model our climate future.

Building an energy and ecological transition scenario to limit global warming.

Amphitheatre 5 at 2pm and 4pm [Heathcliff Demaie, Hydrogen Energy Project Manager at UL]

🔵 Hydrogen, electricity in a bottle!

Everything you need to know about the hydrogen that we talk so much about for the energy transition

Booth 16 [Hydrogen team : Sophie Didierjean, Gaël Maranzana, Giuseppe Sdanghi , Guillaume Etienne, Peizhe Wu, Nicolas Quéromès and Heathcliff Demaie]

🔵 Seeing the invisible with nuclear magnetic resonance

Illustrations of magnetic resonance techniques, in chemistry and engineering sciences

Booth 28 [MRI for engineering team: Jean-Christophe Perrin and Mohamed Raouf Amrane]

All programming