The activities of the research group « Hydrogen and electrochemical systems » are focused on:
- The characterization of electrochemical systems, mainly at the scale of the elementary cell.
- The study of charge, mass and heat transfer phenomena occurring in the individual components and elementary cells, as well as their impact on aging, durability and electrical performance of these systems.
These works are at the interface between material sciences and system engineering as well as electrical engineering. They apply to polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells and electrolyzers, flow batteries, borohydride fuel cells, supercapacities as well as the electrochemical compression of hydrogen. At the system level, we study the hybridization of PEMFC with supercapacitors (SC), as well as the overall electrical management.
In any case, our approach considers the links between the coupled physical and electrochemical phenomena at the micro-scale and the electrical performance of the system. This requires the conjoint development of appropriate measurement techniques and theoretical models allowing the interpretation of experimental data.
- Analysis of water and ion transport phenomena, as well as the mechanical behavior of polymer electrolytes using spectroscopic methods (NMR, MRI, electrophoretic NMR, Infrared), hygroscopic (sorption balance) and analytical methods (pH meter, ion dosage).
Design and fabrication of segmented and instrumented cells for local and global characterization of electrochemical converter:
- Measurement of local currents and electrode potentials.
- (Local) electrochemical characterization techniques: polarization curve, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cyclic voltammetry (CV).
These measurements apply to model cells (e.g. with a simplified geometry) as well as fully operational industrial prototypes with the objective to analyze the impact of local phenomena on the system performances and lifetime.
- Design of innovative architectures of components and systems (low to intermediate power):
- Direct PEMFC-SC hybridization.
- Innovative FC stack with separated anode and cathode thermal management (WO/2014/060198, 2014) followed by a maturation project in collaboration with the SATT Grand Est (Sayens).
- Autonomous electricity generator of high efficiency used in a vehicle taking part in the Shell Eco-marathon efficiency competition.
Main Partners
Last name | First name | Position |
Didierjean | Sophie | Professor |
Dillet | Jérôme | Research engineer |
El Kaddouri | Assma | Associate professor |
Lottin | Olivier | Professor |
Mainka | Julia | Associate Professor |
Maranzana | Gaël | Professor |
Mozet | Kévin | Assistant engineer |
Xu | Feina | Chargé de recherche |
Abasian | Alireza | Post-Doc |
Ait Idir | William | PhD Student |
Bligny | Rémi | PhD Student |
Daoudi | Meriem | PhD Student |
Gutru | Rambabu | Post-Doc |
Mrad | Christine | PhD Student |
Parra Restrepo | Julian David | PhD Student |
Robert | Mylène | PhD Student |
Siangsanoh | Apinya | PhD Student |
Touhami | Salah | PhD Student |
Turtayeva | Zarina | PhD Student |
1.1 Christine Mrad (03/2020)
Titre/Title : Mostly – ex-situ approach with a focus on the cathode/membrane interface, using mainly NMR
Financement : ALPE project
Encadrants/Supervision : Jean-Christophe Perrin (OST IRM)/Assma El Kaddouri (OS HSE)
1.2 William Ait Idir (02/2020)
Titre/Title : Instrumented cells and in-operando analyses
Financement : ALPE project
Encadrants/Supervision : Olivier Lottin/ Julia Mainka
1.3 Rémi BLIGNY (10/2019)
Titre/Title : Modélisation des phénomènes de transfert dans les piles à combustible de type PEM pour l’application transport/ Modeling of transfer phenomena in PEM fuel cells for automotive application (Bosch)
Encadrants/Supervision : Gaël Maranzana/Sophie Didierjean
1.4 Zarina TUTAYEVA (10/2019)
Titre/Title : Water Management in Alkaline Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (AEMFC)
Financement : bourse kazakhe Jules Verne + FP labo (CS)
Encadrants/Supervision : Gaël Maranzana/Feina Xu
1.5 Meriem DAOUDI (10/2019)
Titre/Title : Performances et durabilité des membranes alternatives aux membranes PFSA
Financement : ANR Multistable
Encadrants/Supervision : Olivier Lottin/Assma El Kaddouri
1.6 Lara BOULEAU (03/2019)
Titre/Title : Development of platinum-free cathodes for hydrogen fuel cells (these LUE – ULHyS)
Encadrants/Supervision : Alain Celzard (IJL Épinal), Feina Xu (OS HSE)
1.7 Salah TOUHAMI (10/2018)
Titre/Title: Analyse des mécanismes de propagation de défauts dans les PEMFC via la distribution des densités de courant et des impédances locales et analyses ex-situ (ANR LOCALI)
Encadrants/Supervision: Olivier Lottin/Julia Mainka
1.8 Apinya SIANGSANOH (12/2017) (dans l’OS G2E)
Titre/Title : Design and Control of Fuel Cell management system with distributed supercapacitors storage element (co-tutelle UL/King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok)
Encadrants/Supervision : Sophie Didierjean (OS HSE)/Jean-Philippe Martin (OS GEE)
1.9 Julian Parra (10/2017)
Titre/Title : Caractérisation des hétérogénéités de fonctionnement au sein d’un électrolyseur à membrane (PEMEC) – application à l’augmentation de la température moyenne de fonctionnement
Encadrants/Supervision : Gaël Maranzana/Jérôme Dillet
1.10 Mylène Robert (10/2017)
Titre/Title : Impact des dégradations et du vieillissement sur les propriétés de transport des membranes PFSA pour piles à combustible
Encadrants/Supervision : Olivier Lottin (OS HSE)/Jean-Christophe Perrin (OST IRM/RMN)
1.11 Milad Bahrami (10/2016) (dans l’OS HSE)
Titre/Title : Development of a fuel cell management system aiming to control the heterogeneities in the stack
Encadrants/Supervision : Gaël Maranzana (OS HSE)/Serge Pierfederici (OS GEE)
2.1 Alireza Abasian (01/12/19 – 30/11/20) (dans l’OS HSE)
Sujet/Topic : Pilotage dynamique d’un système de stockage à base d’électrolyseur – ULHyS/LUE
Responsables/Supervision : Serge Pierfederici (OS GEE), Sophie Didierjean (OS HSE)
2.2 Ram BABU (08/07/19 – 31/12/20)
Sujet/Topic : Fonctionnement en conditions sèches/Operation in dry conditions, LUE-ULHyS
Responsables/Supervision : Alain Desforges (IJL, Nancy)/Gaël Maranzana (OS HSE) /Feina Xu (OS HSE)
3.1 Projet ANR Multistable (02/2019 – 07/2022, porteur/responsible L. Gonon – CEA SyMMES) : Titre/Title : Membranes hybrides multi-stabilisées pour pile à combustible et électrolyseur/ Multi-Stabilized Hybrid Membranes for Fuel Cell and Electrolyser
Consortium : LEMTA – CEA SyMMES – C2P2 – IMP – LEMTA
3.2 ANR LOCALI (01/01/2018 – 2021, porteur/responsible Y. Bultel – LEPMI)
Titre/Title : Dévoiler les mécanismes de propagation des défauts locaux dans les PEMFC, par mesure et exploitation de la distribution de densité de courant locale/ Unveiling the propagation mechanisms of local defects in PEMFCs, by measurement and exploitation of local current density distribution
Consortium : LEPMI – CEA Liten – G2ELab – LEMTA
3.3 ANR MobiDiC (10/2016 – 10/2020, porteur/responsible M. Chatenet – LEPMI)
Titre/Title : Pile à combustible directe à borohydrure pour applications mobiles/Mobile Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells
Consortium : LEPMI – ICPEES – LEMTA – Paxitech – Pragma Industries