Icing and wetting days

Within the framework of the GDR TRANSINTER dedicated to “Transfers and Interfaces”, the Icing and Wetting Days will be held on May 12 and 13, 2022 at ONERA Toulouse.

Alexandre LABERGUE and Guillaume CASTANET, professors-researchers of LEMTA, are co-organizing these days with Claire LAURENT (ONERA), Christophe JOSSERAND (LadHyx) and Thomas SEON (IJLRA).

The objective of these days is to bring together researchers, industrialists and institutional partners from different backgrounds, to present their work and exchange around these themes.

► Free and compulsory registration before 15 April 2022

More information and registration

[These days initially planned on 19-20 January 2022 have been postponed due to the health situation].