Spectroscopie et imagerie par résonance magnétique nucléaire

MRI for engineering

MRI for engineering

The “MRI for Engineering” cross-disciplinary research team aims to use nuclear magnetic resonance methods to study systems and phenomena in the field of engineering sciences. NMR is an effective tool, often complementary to the other metrologies used in the laboratory, providing access to structural and dynamic information from the molecular scale (NMR spectroscopy) to the millimetre scale (MRI imaging). With the support of the laboratory’s technical services and our collaborations, we are developing dedicated devices and methodologies to access a wide range of information, such as diffusion coefficients and concentration, velocity and temperature maps. The team’s expertise and the experimental platform’s equipment are made available to other teams in the laboratory to study fluid systems in porous media, fluids with complex rheology, flows, materials for energy, etc.



Industrial partners

  • HEALTHIS (Laboratoire d’essais de sécurité et de compatibilité IRM des dispositifs médicaux)
  • RD2D (conçoit et fabrique des appareils électroniques de résonance magnétique (RM) de haute performance)
NameFirst nameFunction
CANETDanielProfessor Emeritus
GUENDOUZLaouèsSenior lecturer FST
LETien DungSenior lecturer IUT Nancy-Brabois
LECLERCSébastienResearch engineer
MORLOTChristopheDesign engineer
MOYNEChristianEmeritus CNRS research director
PANFILOVIrinaSenior lecturer ENSG
PEREIRAAntonioSenior lecturer ENSEM
PERRIN Jean-ChristopheSenior lecturer ENSEM
STEMMELENDidierCNRS Research fellow
HAMDOUNALamaPost-doctoral researcher