The CARNOT platform brings together numerous thermal and optical metrology devices for the characterization of complex materials and systems (liquids, heterogeneous or semi-transparent media, etc.). It is led by a team of teacher-researchers and engineers whose expertise applies to thermal characterization in the broadest sense, covering areas ranging from the determination of thermo-physical properties of materials to the characterization of a complex industrial system. This part of the platform focuses its activity and expertise around spectrometry and microscopy equipment or innovative optical benches for multi-scale characterization of the physico-chemical and photo-thermal properties of materials.
- Diffuse reflection and diffuse transmission of materials by integrating sphere (Optical properties UV – Visible and IR, from 4K to 2000K)
- Direct (600K to 2000K) or indirect (300K to 800K) spectral emissivity
- Radiation characterization, Physico-chemical properties of materials
- Surface IR characterization (ATR)
- Thermal conductivity at the nanometric and micrometric scale
- Thermal contact resistance, topography, interaction forces, roughness, local temperature
- Photo-thermal properties, Thermal conductivity, Solid-Liquid interface, Molecular dynamics, Phase transition, Chemical species monitoring and quantification.
Application sectors
- Materials for the building industry
- Materials for aeronautics
- Nanostructured materials, (thin films, nanowires, nanotubes), semiconductor materials, porous and nanoporous materials
- Vibrational spectroscopy
- Thermal microscopy
- Nano conductivity
- Spectral emissivity
- High temperatures
- Nanostructured materials
- Photo-thermal Property
- Vibrational Spectrometry, FTIR Spectroscopy, Absorption Spectroscopy, Scattering IR Spectroscopy
- Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Thermal Microscopy (DC and 3ω), Frequency Laser Thermo-reflectance
- Raman Spectroscopy, Raman Microscopy, Photo-thermal Characterization
- Innovative optical metrology and experimental optical benches etc.

Frequency Thermoreflectance Optical Bench

Integrating sphere for the measurement of diffuse optical properties in the Infrared range
Atomic Force Microscope for vacuum measurements
- Bruker Vertex 80V Spectrometer
- Bruker Tensor Spectrometer etc.
- AFM SThM XE100 vacuum modified
- Laser Thermo-reflectance bench, Nd-Yag laser, Ti-Sa laser
- High temperature emissivity bench, laser CO₂
- Raman Microscope
Thermo-Reflectance Bench in the Frequency Domain
The laser pump-probe thermo-reflectance, continuous or pulsed, is an optical thermometry method allowing to measure the temperature of a material via its surface reflectivity variations. It allows the study of thermal properties in materials with low dimensionality (characterization of thin layers between 100nm-10um) as well as the study of heat transport phenomena in non-Fourier regimes thanks to the wide range of accessible modulation frequencies.

Principle of laser thermo-reflectance and diagram of the optical bench developed at LEMTA
Angular Diffusion Bench in coherent white light for the characterization of soot
Because of their impact on health and climate, a good knowledge of the characteristics of soot (quantity, size distribution) is necessary. For this purpose, an optical metrology instrument based on the use of a Supercontinuum laser (white light) has been designed. The particularity of this device is based on simultaneous measurements of extinction and diffusion.

Photo View of the optical bench
View of the multi-pass cellges
Hadrien Chaynes
Gilles Parent
Gilles Pernot