The fire research work at LEMTA is carried out by a team combining skills on fire and heat transfer by radiation. It concerns fire safety engineering, prevention and risk analysis. Current studies are aimed at understanding the mechanisms of ignition, propagation and extinction of fires.
Experimental studies are performed on the PROMETHEI and ATHENAI platforms in order to provide some experimental databases, such as freely accessible results on natural fires. These experiments are also combined with modelling work that simulates the progress of a fire front over time.
Concerning the confined fires, the studies deal with the mechanisms of ignition, propagation between rooms (application in the field of buildings and transport) and fire suppression by the use of water. Numerous collaborations are underway with the fire rescue services (SDIS 54 and Brigade des Sapeurs-Pompiers de Paris), on the performance of the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and the topic of evacuation.
PROMETHEI is a platform for operational research and thermal metrology dedicated to fire tests. It enables controlled experiments on natural fires to be carried out on a laboratory scale according to wind conditions, slope, heat load, etc.
A second plateform, called ATHENAI, is dedicated to “confined” fires, where the conditions of ignition of materials, smoke flows and protection and fire-fighting procedures, in particular by sprinkling, are analysed.
Experimental setup from laboratory scale up to real scale
Fire propagation modelling
Experiments and numérical modelling on sprays: watermists, sprays and sprinklers.
Thermal degradation
Thermal and radiative properties of materials
Radiation emitted by flames: experiments and numerical modelling
Thermal metrology
Wood sample under a thermal heat flux provided by a cone calorimeter
This work is dedicated to the study of fire safety of wooden structures for housing (high-rise buildings) or public buildings (aerial car parks or others). Their purpose is to characterise the behaviour of wood when a fire occurs. These tests on the ignition and thermal degradation of wooden panels under a given radiative heat flux were conducted in partnership with LERMAB in Epinal.
Thermal degradation of wooden panels using for building construction
Analysis of fire smoke flows in tunnels during the construction phase
The fire teams from LEMTA worked on the assessment of the risks of fire and smoke propagation in the tunnels of the future Parisian underground metro during the construction phase. The study carried out combined full-scale numerical simulations and some experiments to test a solution for smoke containment by means of a water curtain.
Experimentation and numerical simulations of the propagation of a fire in a tunnel during the construction phase :see the movie