We characterize, by classical rheometry, the rheological behaviour of complex fluids such as gels, granular media and powders, emulsions, suspensions of particles and biological objects. In parallel, we develop mainly optical methods to obtain local information on the flow behavior of these fluids: spatial organization and particle dynamics, local measurement of velocity, concentration, etc.
Measurements of complex fluids rheology
Rheology of vibrated powders and granular materials
Particles Image Velocimetry and particles tracking
Conception of an experimental setup to study the effect of vibrations on the spreading of granular paste.
Spreading dynamic modeling
Measurements of rheological behavior
Device conception for monitoring the spreading of a granular paste subjected to vibrations and the measurement of the associated rheological properties
Effect of formulation on powder rheology
Formulation of powders with controlled interactions
Correlations between formulation and powder rheology
Rheological behaviour of various powder formulations in shear cell: 500µm glass beads, lactose powders and agglomerated lactose powders