[INFRA+] Métro’NRJ, a metrology platform serving the energy transition

The LEMTA (Laboratoire Énergies et Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée, a joint research unit of the University of Lorraine and the CNRS) has grouped together six of its metrology platforms specialising in the characterisation of materials and systems applied to mechanics and energy into a single platform: Métro’NRJ.

As part of its Star-LUE accreditation, Factuel went to meet this research platform to find out more:
(see source article)

Can you tell us about your platform?

Métro’NRJ is a LEMTA experimental platform located on the Brabois site. LEMTA is a laboratory directly involved in research into energy and the energy transition. It is particularly renowned for its metrology and characterisation methods for materials and systems in these fields. For many years now, it has had a policy of sharing services and equipment. With this in mind, in 2022 the laboratory will bring together around twenty devices within a single platform, which will be accredited in 2023 for its implementation of the StAR-LUE Research Support Structures quality approach. LEMTA thus opens up its metrology to industrial and academic partners on six technical platforms that receive direct research and development support from the laboratory’s seven engineers and eleven researchers. The platform specialises in the thermal and optical characterisation of materials, fluid metrology, rheology of solids, fire sciences, energy micro-networks and hydrogen and its electrochemical systems.

What needs does the platform meet?

LEMTA is directly involved in research in support of the energy transition. It contributes to all the efforts devoted to the conversion, transport, more sober and optimal use of energy, energy recovery and storage. Research and development in this field requires expertise and equipment in heat transfer, mechanics, electrochemistry and electrical engineering. These areas of research correspond to the laboratory’s core skills.

Métro’NRJ provides first-rate measurement equipment: MRI imaging, visible and infrared imaging, measurements of thermal and optical properties, spectrometers, rheometers, laser techniques for characterising fluids, dynamic mechanical analysis, calorimeter cone, granulometer, power analyser, real-time simulator, fuel cell characterisation benches, etc.

Métro’NRJ’s strength lies above all in its ability to tailor its measurements to specific applications, under both ambient and extreme conditions: high flow or high temperature, complex fluids, coupled systems or microgrids combining electricity and hydrogen.

Who is it designed for?

Métro’NRJ can provide direct characterisation services and research studies for academic and industrial partners. It is also intended for internal use by LEMTA researchers as part of multidisciplinary projects requiring the contribution of different research teams, to combine skills in fluids, solids, heat, hydrogen and electricity.

It is therefore aimed at companies seeking to characterise their materials or systems, or to develop their applications in the fields of mechanics and energy.

It is also aimed at researchers and partner laboratories, for whom it can make available its equipment and expertise in a wide range of thermal properties, optical properties, spectroscopy, mechanical properties, materials resistance, fluid metrology, fire behaviour, hydrogen, fuel cells and electrical microgrids.