The JUMBRAS project is part of the generic call for projects “i-Démo – Support for structuring RDI projects” of the France 2030 plan financed by Bpifrance. The aim of this call for projects is to develop industrial and service companies in growth markets that create value and competitiveness for the economy and contribute to the energy, ecological and digital transitions.
Coordinated by Célien Zacharie (a former doctoral student at LEMTA) for the company Fives Cryo, this collaborative project brings together experts from CRAN, LEMTA and PROCESS Ingénierie to develop a digital JUMeau for their vacuum brazing process (JUMBRAS). Fives Cryo’s aim is to set up intelligent control of its brazing furnaces based on the construction and operation of virtual temperature sensors.
Led at LEMTA by Vincent Schick, the Heat Management team is responsible for setting up a 3D model of heat transfer in the brazing furnace and developing predictive control methods based on the use of ARX-type scale models.
The new control and command system that will result from this work should ensure the safety of the brazing operation on a large vacuum furnace.
Total funding: 1.9 M€, including 150 k€ for LEMTA | Duration: 48 months
Graphical representation of the digital twin